Research Data on Equivalence Classes and Depression
Research data of submitted manuscript on equivalence classes and depression, including three datasets. Matching-to-Sample (MTS) Data (matching_to_sample_data.xslx) 44 participants 2 groups: Low Level of Depressive Symptoms = scored 19 or less on Beck Depression Inventory II (BDI-II)in the first experimental session HighLevel of Depressive Symptoms = scored 20 or higher on BDI-II in the first experimental session Stimuli: A1 = pictures of faces expressing sadness A2 = pictures of faces expressing happiness A3 = pictures of faces expressing neutrality B1,B2,B3,C1,C2,C3,D1,D2,D3 = abstract images The experiment had 2 sessions: Session 1 = Establishment of the derived relations and equivalence classes Session 2 = Test the maintenance of the devived relations (third days after Session 1) The establishment and the maintenance of the derived relations were assessed in two blocks of 24 trials with BD and DB relations in both Session 1 and Session 2. Semantic Differential Data (semantic_differential_data.xslx) 57 participants 4 Groups: Low Level of Depressive Symptoms = scored 19 or less on BDI-II in the first experimental session, were exposed to MTS task, and demonstrated class formation, then evaluated the abstract stimuli D1, D2, and D3 using the Semantic Differential (SD) scale. HighLevel of Depressive Symptoms = scored 20 or higher on BDI-II in the first experimental session, were exposed to MTS task, and demonstrated class formation, then evaluated the abstract stimuli D1, D2, and D3 using the SD. Control Low Level of Depressive Symptoms = scored 19 or less on BDI-II in the first experimental session, weren't exposed to MTS task. They evaluated faces expressing emotions (stimuli A1, A2, and A3) using the SD. Control High Level of Depressive Symptoms = scored 20 or Higher on BDI-II in the first experimental session, weren't exposed to MTS task. They evaluated faces expressing emotions (stimuli A1, A2, and A3) using the SD. Session: Participants evaluated the abstract stimuli D1, D2, and D3 right after MTS task in both Session 1 and Session 2. Evaluation: 13 columns of the data set are the ratings (from -3 to 3) participants gave to the stimuli based on opposite adjectives. The first nine items constitute Factor 1 and usually is the focus of the analyses. The last four items constitute Factor 2. IRAP Data (IRAP_data.xslx) 29 participants 2 sessions 2 groups: Low Level of Depressive Symptoms = scored 19 or less on Beck Depression Inventory II (BDI-II)in the first experimental session HighLevel of Depressive Symptoms = scored 20 or higher on BDI-II in the first experimental session Accuracy = proportion of correct responses consistent with predefined relational patterns in the consistent and inconsistent blocks Latency = time to respond D-IRAP =measures the difference in response latencies between the consistent and inconsistent blocks