A Tyrosine, Histidine-Selective Bifunctional Cross-linker for Protein Structure Analysis

Published: 2 March 2023| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/rpzr9jpm8j.1
Zhonglin Wei


Fig. 2a MS2 spectra of Y modified product (mz 672.812+) after electrochemically reduced and alkylated for inter-linked angiotensin II which is generated from the electrochemical click reaction and subsequent photocataly Fig. 2b MS2 spectra of H modified product (mz 680.812+) after electrochemically reduced and alkylated for inter-linked angiotensin II which is generated from the electrochemical click reaction and subsequent photocataly Fig. 4a MS2 spectra of GST peptide [PILGY6WK] inter-linked with [KTY141LNG], generated from the electrochemical click reaction Fig. 4b MS2 spectra of GST peptide [PY56YIDGDVKLTQ] inter-linked with [FEDRLCH138K], generated from the electrochemical click reaction and subsequent photocatalytic reaction Fig. 6a MS2 spectra of dead-linked BSA peptide [LGEY400GFQNALIVR],generated from the electrochemical click reaction Fig. 6b MS2 spectra of BSA peptide[GSFLYEYSRRHPEY340AVSVLLR] inter-linked with [ASLRETY84GDMADCCEKQEPE], generated from the electrochemical click reaction Fig. 6c MS2 spectra of dead-linked BSA peptide [H145PYFYAPELL], generated from the photocatalytic reaction Fig. 6d MS2 spectra of BSA peptide [LGEY400GFQ] inter-linked with [EH18FK], generated from the electrochemical click reaction and subsequent photocatalytic reaction.



Jilin University College of Chemistry


Mass Spectrometry, Protein Structure
