Supplementary Data: Bridging Computational Stratigraphy and Reservoir Simulation for Geologically Realistic High-resolution Reservoir Modeling

Published: 15 November 2023| Version 2 | DOI: 10.17632/rs38hnh5ft.2
Boxiao Li,


The two reservoir models in this dataset are part of the supplementary material of the paper “Bridging Computational Stratigraphy and Reservoir Simulation for Geologically Realistic High-resolution Reservoir Modeling” published in SPE Journal. Please cite this paper if you use this dataset. Feel free to email the corresponding author if you have questions. - Authors: Boxiao Li, Lewis Li, Xian-Huan Wen, Tao Sun - Affiliation: Chevron Technical Center, Houston, TX, USA - Corresponding author: Boxiao Li; email: at The following two synthetic fluvial-deltaic reservoir models are built from Computational Stratigraphy (CompStrat), a state-of-the-art earth-modeling method that captures the key heterogeneities in subsurface reservoirs through modeling of the detailed flow and sediment transportation processes in various depositional environments. The model in "" is a sector model (as shown in "CompStratFluvialDeltaicModel.JPG"): - Dimension: 40x40x2801 - DX = DY = 20 m for all cells, DZ varies - Number of defined cells: 4,479,071 - Model properties included: grainsize, porosity, permeability, shale body label, shale sub-body label, score, and class - Latest update: July 15th, 2023 The model in "" is a much larger model (as shown in "CompStratFluvialDeltaicModel_Large.JPG"). The previous sector model is taken from (20,20) to (119, 119). - Dimension: 201x201x2801 - DX = DY = 20 m for all cells, DZ varies - Number of defined cells: 113,090,331 - Model properties included: grainsize - Latest update: July 15th, 2023 The models are shared in three formats: RESQML v2.0.1, Eclipse EGRID, and Eclipse ASCII. Note that the grids in different formats loaded in different software may be mirror-flipped, or the origin location may be different. The “RESQMLv2” folder contains the RESQML files (“.epc” and “.h5” files). Do not change the file names as there may be internal mapping between the “.epc” and “.h5” files. RESQML is an upstream oil and gas data-exchange standard that facilitates reliable, automated exchange of data among software packages used in subsurface workflows, for example for earth and reservoir modeling workflows. The “Eclipse_EGRID” folder contains the “.egrid” file (the model grid) and the “.GRDECL” file (the model properties). The property values of undefined cells are set to -9999. The “Eclipse_ASCII” folder contains four “.GRDECL” files describing the model grid and properties in ASCII format. The property values of undefined cells are set to -9999.


Steps to reproduce

We use Petrel v2022 and the sector model in "" as an example to demonstrate how to open these models. Different Petrel versions may work differently. How to open the "RESQMLv2" files in Petrel: 1. Create a new project in Petrel 2. Go to the “Models” pane 3. Right click mouse and select “Import file” 4. Select “RESQMLv2 (*.epc)” as the file type 5. Choose the “FluvialDeltaSector.epc” file in the "RESQMLv2" folder 6. Click “Open” 7. Click “Apply mapping” in the pop-out window to apply mapping between properties and their data templates How to open the "Eclipse_EGRID" files in Petrel: 1. Create a new project in Petrel 2. Go to the “Models” pane 3. Right click mouse and select “Import file” 4. Select “ECLIPSE extended grid” as the file type 5. Choose the “FluvialDeltaSector.egrid” file in the "Eclipse_EGRID" folder 6. Click “Open” 7. Click "OK" in the pop-out window 8. In the "Models"pane, find the newly loaded grid, click on "Properties", right click mouse and select "import" 9. Select "ECLIPSE keywords (grid properties)" as the file type 10. Choose the "FluvialDeltaSector.GRDECL" file in the "Eclipse_EGRID" folder 11. Click "Open" Note: Petrel only load the "PORO" and "PERMX" properties and does not load the properties that are not Eclipse keywords, such as "GRAINSIZE". You can rename the property to an Eclipse keyword in the "FluvialDeltaSector.GRDECL" file, load it to Petrel again, and change the property name back in Petrel. How to open the "Eclipse_ASCII" files in Petrel: 1. Create a new project in Petrel 2. Go to the “Models” pane 3. Right click mouse and select “Import file” 4. Select “ECLIPSE keywords (grid geometry and properties)” as the file type 5. Choose the “FluvialDeltaSectorASCII.GRDECL” file in the "Eclipse_ASCII" folder 6. Click “Open” 7. Click "OK" in the pop-out window. It should load both the grid and properties Note: Petrel only load the "PORO" and "PERMX" properties and does not load the properties that are not Eclipse keywords, such as "GRAINSIZE". You can rename the property to an Eclipse keyword in the "FluvialDeltaSectorASCII.GRDECL" file, load it to Petrel again, and change the property name back in Petrel.


Chevron Corp


Stratigraphy, Petroleum Engineering, High Performance Computing Application, Reservoir Modeling, Reservoir Simulation, Upscaling
