A dataset of detailed 3D representations of Scots pine, Norway spruce needle shoots from Järvselja RAdiation transfer Model Intercomparison (RAMI) pine stand in Estonia
The collection and preprocessing of this dataset has been reported in detail in Pisek J., Borysenko, A., Janoutová, R., Homolová, L. 2023. Estimation of coniferous shoot structure by high precision blue light 3D photogrammetry scanning. Remote Sensing of Environment, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rse.2023.113568. This dataset contains ten detailed representations of needle shoots of two species (five shoots per species) - Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) and Norway spruce (Picea abies L. Karst.) - collected from trees in the Järvselja RAdiation transfer Model Intercomparison (RAMI) pine stand (58° 18′ 47.13″ N 27° 17′ 48.23″ E) in Estonia on 26th July 2022. The high resolution point clouds (in .stl format) were obtained with blue light 3D photogrammetry scanning approach. The scans can be found in the compressed file (Jarvselja_RAMIpinestand_20220726_shoot_GOMScans.zip). The other file (Jarvselja_RAMIpinestand_20220726_shoot_photos.zip) contains the reference photos of the scanned needle shoots. The data were collected as a part of project supported from Estonian Research Council Grant PRG1405. If using the data, please cite the above publication by Pisek et al. (2023) and this Mendeley Dataset: Pisek, Jan; Borysenko, Oleksandr (2023), “A dataset of detailed 3D representations of Scots pine, Norway spruce needle shoots from Järvselja RAdiation transfer Model Intercomparison (RAMI) pine stand in Estonia”, Mendeley Data, V1, doi: 10.17632/rs3f6trdvw.1 Detailed 3D representations of needle shoots bring many opportunities for further improvements of measurement methods in the up-scaling of optical properties for coniferous canopies. Detailed 3D representation of needle shoot in combination with radiative transfer modeling can provide a way to compensate for inaccuracies in needle optical properties measurements and improve measurements of shoot scattering properties.
Steps to reproduce
For the methods, see Pisek J., Borysenko, A., Janoutová, R., Homolová, L. 2023. Estimation of coniferous shoot structure by high precision blue light 3D photogrammetry scanning. Remote Sensing of Environment, in press.
Estonian Research Council