Data for: Quantifying avian avoidance of offshore wind turbines: Current evidence and key knowledge gaps
There are two files here. The first file is an excel spreadsheet which contains the data and the step by step calculations used to estimate avoidance rates in seabirds. This excel file has three sheets: The first sheet sheet contains the turbine and wind farm parameters used by the Band Collision Risk Model. These relate to the individual wind farms from which data were obtained. The sources for all data are given. The second sheet includes the bird flight speed and morphometric data used by the Band Collision Risk Model. The third sheet combines these data and then shows step by step calculations indicating how avoidance rates were calculated. The second file is R code for calculating the probability of any bird crossing a turbine rotor-swept area colliding with the turbine blades (P Collision). It makes use of the data in sheets one and two of the excel file in order to calculate the values in column AF of the third sheet.