Accurate prediction of RNA translation with a deep learning architecture

Published: 8 July 2023| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/rsssc3hnc4.1
Xiaojuan Fan


Validation of motifs around strong TTS. Known readthrough stop codon from VDR and their mutations (without change of amino acids) were tested for translation readthrough. No_stop: stop codon of VDR (TGA) was mutated to CGA; strong TTS1: stop codon of VDR was mutated to a strong TTS by changing the upstream 27nt and downstream 12nt sequences; strong TTS2: stop codon of VDR was mutated to a strong TTS by changing the upstream 27nt sequence; weak TTS: stop codon of VDR was mutated to a weak TTS by changing the upstream 27nt.



Molecular Biology, Deep Learning
