Data for: Brittle-ductile transition depth versus convergence rate in shallow crustal thrust faults: considerations on seismogenic volume and impact on seismicity
This data publication includes a table containing results of 2-D thermo-mechanical FE models dedicated to intra-plate thrusts and thrusts within fold-and-thrust belts (shallow crustal) with the scope of locating the brittle-ductile transition (BDT) depth in function of the convergence rate. Modeled geometries describes a 2D portion of wet-quartzitic upper crust 250 km wide and 40 km thick, cut by a fault with different dip values. the fault decoupling is simulated via a 2 km thick weak zone characterized by rheological parameters homogeneous with the rest of the model domain but with lower friction angle and small cohesion. Shortening is simulated via fixed velocities at the left boundary of the model applied for an evolution time of 100 kyr. A set of models was run for all considered fault dip values (15-40 degrees), assuming convergence rates varying between 1 and 10 cm/yr and, for sensitivity analysis, varying fault friction angle (from 3 to 30 degrees), cohesion (from 0 to 10 MPa), grain size of the domain (from 1 to 3 mm) and initial temperature profile (i.e., temperature at the bottom of the model from 400 to 600 °C). The table of results is composed by 10 columns providing: 1) BDT along-distance (x) coordinate; 2) BDT depth (y) coordinate; 3) fault dip angle; 4) differential stress value at the BDT; 5) convergence rate; 6) evolution time of the model; 7) T at the bottom of the model; 8) angle of internal friction assumed for the fault; 9) cohesion assumed for the fault; 10) grain size assumed for the domain.