Practical Resources for Dance Educators! Navigating the Competition Dance Model

Published: 15 July 2022| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/rt96y2cjs5.1
Heather Harrington


Competition dance is popular in the United States, with social media and televised dance shows amplifying its visibility. If young people are learning dance, they are most likely enrolled in a private-sector studio that is involved with the competition circuit (Weisbrod 2010). This article presents a reflexive practice for dancers, parents, and teachers to contemplate what it means to be a part of the competitive dance model, along with introducing a newly formed group, the Bridge Dance Project (BDP), that aims to close the gap between competition dance and dance medicine. I hope this article is just the beginning of an examination of how teachers and parents can help young dancers navigate the competition model in ways that can lead to a healthy mind and body.

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Kean University, Drew University Bookstore


Dance, Feminism, Eating Disorders, Adolescent, Dance Injury, Body Image
