Data for: X-ray induced defects in advanced lithium orthosilicate pebbles with additions of lithium metatitanate
This research is focused on analysis of X-ray induced processes in lithium orthosilicate pebbles with various contents of lithium metatitante. Multiple methods, such as X-ray induced luminescence (XRL), electron spin resonance (ESR), thermally stimulated luminescence (TSL) and absorption spectrometry were used in order to study the generation of radiation-induced defects in the lithium orthosilicate pebbles. The obtained results are collect in the form of raw data and can be processed by commercial data analysis software, for example Microsoft Excel.
Steps to reproduce
To acquire TSL glow curves, each sample was measured two times at different times after irradiation. The area (or integrated value) of the measured TSL glow curves can be seen in ''TSL integrated peak values.xls'' data sheet. TSL spectra: the title of file corresponds to temperature and each file contains 2 columns: (1) wavelength and (2) intensity of emitted luminescence. ESR spectra: raw data are given in 2 columns: (1) first derivative of intensity and (2) magnetic field strength. To convert magnetic field strength into g-factor, the formula (6626*f)/(B*9.274) can be used, where B is magnetic field strength and f is microwave frequency (9.855 GHz). Minor corrections may be applied in order to correct g-factor value of marker ESR signal (1.98000+/-0.00005). The double integration method can be used to determine the area (or integrated value) of the ESR signals and the obtained results can be plotted against time after irradiation. Absorption spectra: raw data are given in 4 columns: (1) wavelength; (2) energy; (3) absorption intensity of unirradiated sample and (4) absorption intensity of irradiated sample. XRL spectra: raw data contains 5 data sheets. First four data sheets correspond to measured values for each sample and mathematical data processing to acquire correct spectra, which then is also smoothed. Fifth data sheet represents fitted values of spectra (Gaussian function was used to separate peaks).