PAN India dataset from private university faculty members for the variables - heedful interrelating, self-determination and thriving at work.

Published: 2 May 2024| Version 2 | DOI: 10.17632/rvyz2bv5zh.2


This dataset was used to test the mediating effect of heedful interrelating on the direct effect of self-determination on thriving at work. A quantitative dataset was generated from educational professionals working in private universities across the twenty-six states of the Indian subcontinent. Email survey was employed, and valid responses from 396 respondents were tabulated and organized as demographic and scale data. Statistical findings show that heedful interrelating is a mediator that influences the state of thriving at work when self-determined and autonomously motivated. The interpretation of this study validate the organismic dialectic growth perspective inherent in individuals when employed within the academe, to scientifically proposing heedful interrelating as a mindset and strategy to balance the dialectic gap of the self-determination theory (SDT) specifically when functioning in a group context in the workplace. The implications of this study proposes to address maladaptive and ineffective functioning in the work context by using the characteristics of heed when interacting to achieve work goals. A theoretical contribution was proposed by adding heed as a factor to the dimension of relatedness in the self-determination theory. Scale data were generated from Likert-scale items within the measurement scales for the latent variables. The latent variables included self-determination (SD) as the independent variable, thriving at work (TAW) as the dependent variable, and Heedful Interrelating as the mediating variable. Reliable and validated measurement scales were used to generate the data. The independent variable of self-determination was measured using the Work-related basic needs satisfaction scale (W-BNS), Vanden Broeck et al. (2010), considering all the 23-items across the three dimensions of autonomy (7-items), competence (6-items) and relatedness (10-items). The dependent variable used the Thriving at Work scale, Porath et al. (2012) having 10-items across the two dimensions of vitality (5-items) and learning (5-items). The mediating variable of heedful interrelating was measured using 19-items adapted from the 6-items of the Heedful Interrelating in Collaborative Educational Setting (HICES) by Daniel & Jordan (2015), 8-items from Feeling of wholeness of teamwork by Stephens & Lyddy (2016) and 5-items from Paterson et al. (2014). All items were measured on a 5-point Likert scale ranging from strongly disagree (1) to strongly agree (5). The scales included reverse-coded items. Along with the dataset, survey questionnaire used and semi-structured interview questions to identify the presence of the SDT's dialectic gap. The dataset can be utilized for comparative studies across industries and cultures with respect to addressing the organismic dialectic growth perspective, SDT's dialectic gap through heedful interrelating, adding to the human dimension of sustainability measured through metric of thriving at work.



Organizational Psychology
