Supplementary information for: "Surface Water Quality Assessment of the Arkavathi Reservoir Catchment and Command Area, India, through Multivariate Analysis: A Study in Seasonal and Sub-Watershed Variations"

Published: 25 July 2022| Version 7 | DOI: 10.17632/rwcw59p9g2.7


To analyse the surface water quality of the area, we begin by identifying the sub-watersheds using Survey of India (SOI) Topographic Maps of 1:50,000 scale – 57 H5, 57 H6, 57 H7, 57 H9, 57 H10, 57 H11. Based on the drainage features of the area, the study area is demarcated into six sub-watersheds. Drainage map, Geology map, Contour map, and Digital Elevation Model (DEM) map are prepared using RS and GIS. Once the sub-watersheds are demarcated, surface water samples within these sub-watersheds are collected for further analysis as explained in the sections below. 30 samples were collected over a study period of two years covering three prominent seasons of pre-monsoon, monsoon, and post-monsoon periods. These samples were then subjected to various physical, chemical, and bacteriological tests such as pH, temp., DO, BOD, etc. (Bureau of Indian Standards: Public Safety Standards of the Republic of India: Chemical: Environmental Protection and Waste Management) to ascertain its usage for domestic purposes as well as for agricultural activities.


Steps to reproduce

The complete dataset is given in the excel file which can be imported to any statistical package. We used IBM SPSS.


M S Ramaiah Institute of Technology Department of Civil Enginerring


Reservoir Management, Water Quality Assessment, Watershed Management, Surface Water Chemical Condition
