Data for: Modification of mantle rocks by plastic flow below spreading centers: Fe isotopic and fabric evidence from the Luobusa ophiolite, Tibet

Published: 24 March 2020| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/rwrmyjyjbz.1
Pengfei Zhang


The attached files present a systematic dataset of the Fe isotopic compositions of ophiolitic chromitites and dunites, both of our own and those published ones, and parameters for modeling the outward diffusion of Fe from olivine grains enclosed in chromite. Such a dataset has great implications for understanding how chromitites and their associated peridotites are physico-chemically modified by mantle flows. Please see detailed data interpretation in our paper “Modification of mantle rocks by plastic flow below spreading centers: Fe isotopic and fabric evidence from the Luobusa ophiolite, Tibet”, and contact us if there were any questions. Many thanks.



Economic Geology, Petrology, Mantle Dynamics, Mantle Isotope Geochemistry
