DIAPHANE: A portable radiation transport library for astrophysical applications

Published: 7 April 2020| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/rwyd5k5rjh.1


DIAPHANE is a portable, scalable, and extensible library for modelling the transport of energy by radiation or relativistic particles (in particular neutrinos). Energy transport modelling is crucial for the hydrodynamic modelling of a wide range of astrophysical phenomena such as planet and galaxy formation, supernova explosions, and cosmic structure evolution. The DIAPHANE library provides a computational framework and functionality to incorporate energy transport modelling into hydrodynamical astrophysics simulations. The transport routines are called from, and operate independently of, the underlying hydrodynamic code of choice. It is designed to be utilized by hydrodynamic astrophysical simulations through a simplified interface layer, allowing it to operate independently of the underlying hydrodynamic code. We provide a sample interface layer to three widely-used astrophysics-focussed smoothed-particle hydrodynamic codes, GADGET2, GASOLINE and SPHYNX. The initial release comprises a particle-based implementation of Flux Limited Diffusion and Starrad, a ray casting method that we have developed. DIAPHANE development has been supported the Platform for Advanced Scientific Computing.



Astrophysics, Computational Physics, Radiative Transfer, Hydrodynamics
