PPMI KK 2021

Published: 13 August 2023| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/rxndft2y8d.1
IG Ayu Andani


This study aimed to determine the extent of the relationship between urban transportation and public health by measuring accessibility related to health facilities, the tendency to have respiratory problems, and the preference for using active transportation modes. Data were collected in Jakarta, the capital of Indonesia, using a revealed preference questionnaire and a stated choice experiment. The revealed preference approach was used to determine the respondents’ decisions in real situations, including socioeconomic characteristics, respiratory problems, and factors that influence the daily mode use. Stated choice (SC) experiments have been widely utilized in the transportation field to analyze individuals’ travel behavior. The SC experiment was specifically designed to examine people’s preferences for as-yet-unavailable alternative modes of transportation. In the experiment, the participants were presented with several hypothetical scenarios, after which they selected their preferred attributes and alternatives for each scenario



Institut Teknologi Bandung


Transport, Health, Active Transport


Institut Teknologi Bandung

School of Architecture, Planning, and Policy Development, Bandung Institute of Technology through a Research, Community Services, and Innovation Grant (PPMI) 2021
