Government assistance for exporting firms in Indonesia

Published: 30 September 2022| Version 3 | DOI: 10.17632/rxnj476rg5.3
, Miguel Angel Esquivias,


This dataset includes 204 exporting firms in Indonesia. Under a resource-based view (RBV) approach, the dataset includes four dimensions of government export assistance through EPP (information, education and training, trade mobility, and financing), three dimensions of organisational resources (managerial, production and R&D, and intellectual), three dimensions related to organisational capabilities (business opportunity identification, relationship building, and innovation), four dimensions related to export marketing strategies (products, prices, distributions, and promotions), three dimensions related to export competitiveness (costs, products, and services), and two dimensions related to export performance (overseas market size and export financial performance). Additionally, firm-level characteristics are included (e.g., firm size, age, location, sector), organisational characteristics (labour intensity, export units), strategic features (partnerships, logistics, and legal support), and market orientation (type of exported goods and export markets). The dataset includes obstacles faced by firms across different dimensions and critical attributes in the different sub-components that integrate each dimension. The raw data were collected through a web-based survey targeting managers of exporting firms in Indonesia. The survey link and invitation were distributed via email and WhatsApp to more than 2,000 exporter firms obtained from government and public directories. Two hundred and four surveys were completed. Incomplete cases were eliminated.


Steps to reproduce

The Survey Link (Google Form) was distributed through email, Whatsapp, and other digital means to companies identified in public directories as exporting firms. The Survey questionnaire used a 7-point Likert scale adapted from several researchers and it collects export managers’ overall perceptions on government assistance, firm resources, firm capabilities, export marketing strategy, firm competitiveness, and firm performance. The Survey also collects firm-specific data (location, size, strategic alliances, export markets, etc.) and includes a consent form designed to get survey participants' informed written consent that the data collected will be used for research and publication purposes keeping personal details confidential. Any personal information that "could reasonably identify respondents was removed or changed before data files were shared with other researchers or results are made public."


Badan Perencanaan Pembangunan Nasional, Universitas Airlangga


Business Strategy, International Business, Trade Promotion, Export Marketing, Developing Organizational Capability, Competitive Advantage, Competitiveness, Comparative Advantage, Export Performance, Resource Based View, Internationalization
