Dataset for MEdit4CEP-SP: a model-driven solution to improve decision-making through user-friendly management and real-time processing of heterogeneous data streams

Published: 7 December 2020| Version 5 | DOI: 10.17632/rybgtbbhs9.5
David Corral-Plaza,


In this dataset we collect the Event Processing Language (EPL) patterns used in this work, as well as some screenshots of the proposed system, MEdit4CEP-SP. EPL > pattern.epl contains all the patterns for the situations described on the paper (AnomalyReadingErrors, AnomalyWaterLeaks and AnomalyUnusualConsumption). Screenshots > reading-errors-pattern.png shows the graphical model, in the editor, of the pattern AnomalyReadingErrors described on the paper. Screenshots > water-leaks-pattern.png shows the graphical model, in the editor, of the pattern AnomalyWaterLeaks described on the paper. Screenshots > unusual-consumption-pattern.png shows the graphical model, in the editor, of the pattern AnomalyUnusualConsumption described on the paper. Screenshots > pattern-changes-alert.png shows the alert that the editor triggers when an existing pattern has been updated. Screenshots > pattern-remove-backup.png shows the dialog to select the folder where the removed existing pattern is going to be exported.



Universidad de Cadiz


Software Architecture, Internet of Things, Model-Driven Engineering, Computer Science
