Dataset for MEdit4CEP-SP: a model-driven solution to improve decision-making through user-friendly management and real-time processing of heterogeneous data streams
In this dataset we collect the Event Processing Language (EPL) patterns used in this work, as well as some screenshots of the proposed system, MEdit4CEP-SP. EPL > pattern.epl contains all the patterns for the situations described on the paper (AnomalyReadingErrors, AnomalyWaterLeaks and AnomalyUnusualConsumption). Screenshots > reading-errors-pattern.png shows the graphical model, in the editor, of the pattern AnomalyReadingErrors described on the paper. Screenshots > water-leaks-pattern.png shows the graphical model, in the editor, of the pattern AnomalyWaterLeaks described on the paper. Screenshots > unusual-consumption-pattern.png shows the graphical model, in the editor, of the pattern AnomalyUnusualConsumption described on the paper. Screenshots > pattern-changes-alert.png shows the alert that the editor triggers when an existing pattern has been updated. Screenshots > pattern-remove-backup.png shows the dialog to select the folder where the removed existing pattern is going to be exported.