Dataset on a primary battery cell with a ferroelectric Li-glass electrolyte

Published: 2 February 2020| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/rydhf7j4vj.1
Maria Helena Braga


The data attached is a comparison between the commercial CR1616 Li-MnO2 cell and Li/Li-glass (Li2.99Ba0.005ClO) in cellulose/gamma-MnO2+C/Al pouch-cell. Although the LED determines the potential profile, the potential is a response to the input current. Therefore, the variable discharge current and potential profiles are useful to determine the maximum current output of a battery cell as well as the standard discharge current and the cell profile. As observed in I vs t data for the commercial cell, the cell’s maximum current is 13 mA and the standard discharge current plateaus below 100 uA when the cell is almost fully discharged (83% = first day). Moreover, the extended plateau for the commercial cell varies from 100 uA to approximately 16.5 uA; most of the capacity of the cell is obtained in the first 30 hrs of discharge (94%). The pouch-cell with 16.2 mg of active cathode material was discharged at room temperature inside an air-filled glove box; it shows a specific capacity of 764 mAh/g-gamma MnO2 (for a theoretical capacity of 209 mAh/g-gamma MnO2), which is higher than the 308 mAh/g of the commercial cell, obtained after discharging it for 11.2 months with a green LED lit uninterruptedly (see Data). It is observed that the profiles for the current in the commercial and pouch-cell differ substantially; while the commercial cell varies its output current from 13 mA to 95 uA in two days and finally to 0.16 uA in more 5 days (the LED was not lit from day 6th with 14 hrs to day 7th with 2 hrs), the Li-glass pouch-cell varies its output current from 1 mA to 17 uA in one day and then to 2 uA in 59 days and it remains lit for 334 days. The data for the commercial cell is divided by the ratio between commercial and pouch-cell active cathodes (13.3) showing a maximum current of 0.977 mA, a plateau from 7.52 to 1.24 uA which compare to Imax = 1.01 mA, plateau from 32 to >=1.24 uA for 4.3 months of the FEB. The coin cell is a 3D cell as the electrolyte wets all cathode powders and the pouch is a 1D cell (only the surface in contact with the Li-glass is effective) and, therefore, the previous calculations are just approximations. The discharge of the commercial cell with the green LED was used as a control method. The capacity determined by this method agrees with the capacity in the corresponding technical spreadsheet. The profile of the green LED used was also determined accurately.



Instituto de Engenharia Mecanica e Gestao Industrial, University of Texas at Austin, Universidade do Porto


Lithium Battery, Electrolyte, Primary Alkaline Battery, Ferroelectric Material
