Interview Schedule Survey Data on Farmers Awareness, Perception towards Futures Market

Published: 19 April 2022| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/ryhjyhvp5k.1
S Srinivasan Sri Ramachandra Institute of Higher Education and Research


This is the supplementary document of interview schedule questions for the data published titled "Survey Data on Farmers Awareness, Perception towards Futures Market" The Interview Schedule includes demographic, training, farming, cost and marketing details of farmers. In addition, it also includes the questions measuring the awareness, and perception of farmers towards futures markets and ends with the details on information sources used by the farmers for taking pricing decisions.


Steps to reproduce

The Interview Schedule can be used by researchers for collecting data on farmers' demographic, training, farming, cost, and marketing details. In addition, it can also be used for measuring the awareness, and perception of farmers towards futures markets and includes the details on the frequency of information sources used by the farmers for taking pricing decisions.


Bharathidasan University


Agricultural Economics, Financial Market
