Beijing neighborhood socioeconomic status dataset
This is supplementary data to the article "Measuring neighborhood socioeconomic status from the sky and the street", which shows the results of the extrapolation of socio-economic conditions of neighborhoods in two scales (938 traffic analysis zones and 130 townships) in the central area of Beijing. The neighborhood socioeconomic status (nSES) comprise a total of eight indicators in five dimensions. 1. Hukou - Percentage of households with a hukou (HUKOU) 2. Education - Percentage of tertiary educated population (TER_EDU) - Mean years of schooling (EDU_YRS) 3. Employment - Percentage of high paying population (JOB) 4. Income - Mean household income (INCOME) 5. Housing - Mean floor area (AREA) - Mean floor area per capita (AREA_PER) - Percentage of commercial housing (COM_HOUSE)