Raw and calculated data from the repeatbility, single impact and force adjustment testing of the devloped automatic impact hammer at the University of Technology vibration lab. UTS required a hammer greater than the SAM-1 by NV tech that could measure force reposnses greater than 200N. The developed hammer uses a manual hammer in place of a connected arm that clamps into a rotor connected to the motor, allowing the hammer arm to be fully interchangeable depending on the hammer required for experimentation. The following data was conducted using the B & K 8206 hammer and measured against a test piece of steel. Impact hammer testing was conducted on a test block made of steel. Results were measured using the Keysight InfinilVision DSOX2004A Digital storage oscilloscope. To ensure that the signal was optimal for data processing a signal conditioner was connected between the two. The 4114B1 Dytran model was used. Velocity of hammer swing was the only factor changed throughout testing signified by eith 9000, 30000, 100000. The data set contains both raw data and calculated data, at different velocities. also contains comparison with the NV Tech Sam1 hammer (only in the form of PNG files). Developed Hammer aka AMI (Yellow) SAM-1 by NV Tech aka SAM (Blue)