Evaluation Rubric: "Collaborative Writing at Work: Peer Feedback in a Blended Learning Environment"

Published: 29 May 2020| Version 3 | DOI: 10.17632/rz5m25gbvk.3
, Teresa López-Pellisa,


This database provides the evaluation rubric used in the Teaching Innovation Project: "Writing an academic review in a blended learning environment" (PID 181960), carried out at the Universitat de les Illes Balears (UIB) with the collaboration of the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC) during the academic year 2018-2019. We have used some of the information obtained from these interviews in the article: "Collaborative Writing at Work: Peer Feedback in a Blended Learning Environment" Article Summary: This exploratory study aims to analyse the nature of peer feedback during a collaborative writing assignment, and to identify the possible effects feedback has on the revision of a text written by university students in a blended learning environment. Under analysis are two different graduate’s courses in academic writing, during which, over a period of a whole semester, the students (n = 85) were divided into 25 work groups to carry out a co-evaluation assignment with the support of a technology platform. The results obtained indicate that, when collaborative writing includes peer feedback, instead of unidirectional corrections from the teacher, the students respond more reflectively and constructively, they discuss the content they are working with, and, as a result, they effect significant changes in their own writing.



Universitat de les Illes Balears, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya


Blended Learning, Academic Writing, Collaborative Activity
