Like the back of my hand

Published: 2 December 2020| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/rz6gcc29dj.1
Irene Ronga, Mattia Galigani, Carlotta Fossataro, Valentina Bruno, Nicolò Castellani, Alice Rossi Sebastiano, Bettina Forster, Francesca Garbarini


Experimental stimuli, code and electrophysiological data. Please refer to the ReadMe file for further information about the files. Paradigm description In a first EEG experiment (discoverysample), event-related potentials (ERPs) were elicited by a pair of sequentially presented visual stimuli (vS1 and vS2; duration of stimuli: 300ms; interstimulus: 1000ms), representing either the self-hand or other people’s hands. In a second EEG experiment (replicating sample), together with the previously described visual stimuli, also a familiar hand was presented. Participants were asked to decide whether vS2 was identical or different from vS1. Accuracy and response times were collected. Experiment 1 consisted of two different scenarios (i.e. With Self and Without Self); in the With Self scenario, visual stimuli included participants’ self-hand. Four different types of pairs were presented: Self-Self (with both vS1 and vS2depicting the self-hand); Other1-Other1 (with vS1 and vS2 depicting the same hand belonging to a stranger – Other1); Self-Other1 (with vS1 representing the self-hand and vS2 Other1’s hand); Other1-Self (with vS1 representing Other1’s hand and vS2 the self-hand). In the WithoutSelf scenario, the self-hand was never presented. Four different types of pairs were delivered: Other2-Other2 (withvS1 and vS2 depicting the same hand belonging to a stranger – Other2, different from Other1); Other3-Other3 (with both vS1 and vS2 depicting the same hand belonging to a stranger – Other3, different from Other1and Other2); Other2-Other3 (with vS1 representing Other2’s hand and vS2 Other3’shand); Other3-Other2 (with vS1representing Other3’s hand and vS2 Other2’s hand).In Experiment 2, we included a third scenario, i.e. the With Familiar scenario. In this scenario, we presented two others’ hands. Importantly, one of these hands was familiar for the participant (i.e. the Familiar hand), since it had already been repeatedly presented in the immediately preceding scenario (which, depending on the specific sequence assigned to subject, might either be the With Self or the Without Self scenario). Four different pair types were presented: Familiar-Familiar (with both vS1 and vS2 depicting the familiarized hand); Other4-Other4 (with vS1 and vS2 depicting the same hand belonging to a stranger – Other4); Familiar-Other4 (with vS1 representing the familiarized hand and vS2 Other4’s hand); Other4-Familiar (with vS1 representing Other4’s hand and vS2 the familiarized hand).



Universita degli Studi di Torino


Cognitive Neuroscience
