Topographic point clouds of proglacial area (Jamtal valley, Austria)

Published: 21 April 2023| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/rzp23zghdj.1
Clemens Hiller


The photogrammetrically derived dense point clouds (dpc) for three UAV-based surveys are enclosed to the package S1 as supplementary materials. The files are named ‘DPC_OWA_Jamtal_YYYYMMDD’ which indicate the respective survey place and date. The uniform extent is clipped to the investigated active outwash area (OWA) of the Jamtalferner glacier with an outward buffer of 2 meters. The point clouds are assigned ‘RGB’ values and scalar fields for ‘Intensity’ and surface ‘Roughness (0.15)’ for a kernel size of 0.15 m as used for D84 calculations. The data is provided in ETRS89 UTM zone 32N (EPSG:25832) as spatial reference and is corrected according to the geodetic reference system GRS80, using a constant correction factor of – 51.283 m (mean ∆z = – 51.2828 m ± 0.0027 m). The files are stored as CloudCompare entities (*.bin) for efficient data processing. The point clouds have been filtered as part of the post-processing in Agisoft Metashape Professional (v 1.7.2.) excluding points with confidence values < 5. No further filters or alignments were applied to the point clouds.



Universitat Innsbruck, Osterreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften


Structure from Motion, Surface Roughness, Point Cloud, Topography


Austrian Academy of Sciences, Earth System Sciences research initiative (ESS)
