Topographic point clouds of proglacial area (Jamtal valley, Austria)
The photogrammetrically derived dense point clouds (dpc) for three UAV-based surveys are enclosed to the package S1 as supplementary materials. The files are named ‘DPC_OWA_Jamtal_YYYYMMDD’ which indicate the respective survey place and date. The uniform extent is clipped to the investigated active outwash area (OWA) of the Jamtalferner glacier with an outward buffer of 2 meters. The point clouds are assigned ‘RGB’ values and scalar fields for ‘Intensity’ and surface ‘Roughness (0.15)’ for a kernel size of 0.15 m as used for D84 calculations. The data is provided in ETRS89 UTM zone 32N (EPSG:25832) as spatial reference and is corrected according to the geodetic reference system GRS80, using a constant correction factor of – 51.283 m (mean ∆z = – 51.2828 m ± 0.0027 m). The files are stored as CloudCompare entities (*.bin) for efficient data processing. The point clouds have been filtered as part of the post-processing in Agisoft Metashape Professional (v 1.7.2.) excluding points with confidence values < 5. No further filters or alignments were applied to the point clouds.
Austrian Academy of Sciences, Earth System Sciences research initiative (ESS)