Data for: Risk condition analysis in soils and vegetation due to water table drawdown induced by tunnel drainage

Published: 11 September 2019| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/rzv4vrjcxj.1
cagri gokdemir, Yoram Rubin, Xiaojun Li, Yandong Li, Hao Xu


The list of files and folder are introduced and summarized below. The files with extension .h1d can be opened by open-access Hydrus1D software. (1) LiteratureData: The folder includes two excel files that contain literature values of Rooting depths, Evapotranspiration, and Interception. Literature values were collected from similar sites to Mingtang region. Average values from the literature included in the Topsoil model settings. (a) SimilarSitesET_I.xlsx: Studies chosen for interception and evapotranspiration. (b) SimilarSitesRootDepth.xlsx: Studies chosen for average root depth. (2) Functions: They open and read the Nod_Inf.out and T_Level.out files. (a) openNread2.R: R function reads Nod_Inf.out files and transforms them into a data frame. (b) openNreadT.R: R function reads T_Level.out files and transforms them into a data frame. (3) Output_drawdown: Includes numerical model output data for 9 different cases of water table boundary conditions analyzed in Section 5. (a) Simulations for alpha=1, C_1,C_4,C_7 (b) Simulations for alpha=0.2, C_2,C_5,C_8 (c) Simulations for alpha=0.1, C_3,C_6,C_9 (4) Output_weather: Includes numerical model output data for atmospheric boundary condition cases in Section 6. (a) weather.xlsx: Modified meteorological data (b) Budyko_type.R: Script for Figure 7 and Budyko-type analysis (Figure 9). (c) C_1-C_6 are simulations with weather boundary conditions on homogeneous and layered soil profiles. (5) Example: This folder demonstrates the usage of functions to visualize the simulations results. (a) example.R: the Main folder to run the example, can be used to visualize the simulations file in the above folders



Hydrological Modeling, Unsaturated Soil
