Dataset of virtual and real-life visual experiences inside a museum: survey on visual perception with objective and subjective measures - Videos and Questionnaire results

Published: 5 January 2023| Version 3 | DOI: 10.17632/s2v84tvn96.3
Giacomo Salvadori


The repository contains the videos and the complete results of the questionnaire used for the research activity "Perception of Light in Museum Environments: Comparison between Real-Life and Virtual Visual Experiences". A comprehensive discussion of the results obtained from the research activity can be found in the homonymous article published on <Sustainability 2022, 14(21), 14288; - 01 Nov 2022> (authors: A. Çevik, Z.T. Kazanasmaz, G. Tambellini, G. Salvadori, F. Leccese). The videos were recorded in the case study museum and, subsequently, used to produce a virtual visit experience for the subjects participating in the research activity. The questionnaire was used to assess differences in light perception due to differet visit experiences. For further details, please refer to the mentioned article.


Steps to reproduce

All the details, about the mode of acquiring the data contained in the repository, can be found in the related research articles: 1) A. Çevik, T. Kazanasmaz, G. Tambellini, G. Salvadori, F. Leccese, Perception of Light in Museum Environments: Comparison between Real-Life and Virtual Visual Experiences, Sustainability 2022, 14(21), 14288; 2) G. Salvadori, G. Tambellini, A. Çevik, Z.T. Kazanasmaz, F. Leccese, Dataset of virtual and real-life visual experiences inside a museum: survey on visual perception with objective and subjective measures, submitet to Data in Brief.


Izmir Yuksek Teknoloji Enstitusu, Universita degli studi di Pisa Scuola di Ingegneria


Architecture, Engineering, Daylighting, Building Lighting, Museum Visit Motivation


Università di Pisa

University of Pisa board resolution N°7/2017
