ETSPTW and ETSPTW-MCR problem set, and details of the computational results
This file pack represents the supplemental data of the study "Hybrid Simulated Annealing and Tabu Search Method for the Electric Travelling Salesman Problem with Time Windows and Mixed Charging Rates" introduced by İ. Küçükoğlu, R. Dewil, and D. Cattrysse. Files include the data of the ETSPTW and ETSPTW-MCR instances, and the details of the computational results obtained by the authors. Description of the files is given in a "readme.txt" file for both of the problem and solution files. The problem and solution files are categorized with respect to instance groups given in the paper and named as follows: For problem files; ETSPTW problems -> "[instance_name].txt" ETSPTW-MCR(30%) problems -> "[instance_name]_MCR(30%).txt" ETSPTW-MCR(70%) problems -> "[instance_name]_MCR(70%).txt" ETSPTW-MCR(100%) problems -> "[instance_name]_MCR(100%).txt" For solution files; ETSPTW problems -> "route_[instance_name].txt" ETSPTW-MCR(30%) problems -> "route_[instance_name]_MCR(30%).txt" ETSPTW-MCR(70%) problems -> "route_[instance_name]_MCR(70%).txt" ETSPTW-MCR(100%) problems -> "route_[instance_name]_MCR(100%).txt" * The better solutions observed during the preliminary experiments are named as "route_[instance_name]_B.txt" or "route_[instance_name]_B_MCR(...).txt".