Data for: Modeling coordination between renewables and grid: Policies to mitigate distribution grid constraints using residential PV-battery systems

Published: 3 July 2019| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/s3rhm574r5.1
Roman Mendelevitch,


This dataset was created by Paul Neetzow at Resource Economics Group of Humboldt-University Berlin in 2018. It provides hourly and state-wise (Bundesland) electricity data for Germany in 2015. It is used and described in Neetzow, P., Mendelevitch, R. and S. Siddiqui (2018): Modeling coordination between renewables and grid: Policies to mitigate distribution grid constraints using residential PV-battery systems. DIW Discussion Paper 1766. Available at: Neetzow, P., Mendelevitch, R. and S. Siddiqui (2019): Modeling coordination between renewables and grid: Policies to mitigate distribution grid constraints using residential PV-battery systems. Energy Policy (forthcoming). It is based on data from Kunz, F., Weibezahn, J., Hauser, P., Heidari, S., Schill, W.-P., Felten, B., Kendziorski, M., Zech, M., Zepter, J., von Hirschhausen, C., M ̈ost, D., and Weber, C. (2017). Reference Data Set: Electricity, Heat, and Gas Sector Data for Modeling the German System, . doi:105281.zenodo.1044463. Koch, M., Hermann, H., Flachsbarth, F. and J. Tambke (2016). Erstellung generischer EE-Strom-Einspeisezeitreihen mit unterschiedlichem Grad an fluktuierendem Stromangebot. Technical report, Öko-Institut. Open Power System Data (2018). OPSD data package renewable power plants, Available at: Bundesverband der Energie- und Wasserwirtschaft e.V. (2015). Standardlast-profile. URL: Umweltbundesamt (2017). Entwicklung des Stromverbrauchs nach Sektoren in Terawattstunden. URL: and some own estimations and computation described in Neetzow, P., Mendelevitch, R. and S. Siddiqui (2019)



Energy Economics
