Data for Spring Barley from Nordic Seed A/S

Published: 5 August 2020| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/s3s4ft92wj.1


A total of 2,628 plots of 565 spring malting barley lines from Nordic Seed A/S were investigated. Phenotypic records were available for six malting quality traits: filtering speed, wort clearness, extract yield, wort color, beta glucan, and wort viscosity. Each line had 3,889 dense genomic markers. In addition, 24,018 metabolomic features (MFs) were obtained for each sample from nuclear magnetic resonance spectra for wort samples produced from each experimental plot. Around one third of all MFs were significantly heritable, among which a considerable proportion had significant additive genetic and/or phenotypic correlations with the malting quality traits (wort color, wort viscosity and beta glucan) in spring barley. The results from this study indicate that many of the MFs are heritable and MFs have great potential to be used in breeding barley for high malting quality. These datasets include genotypic data for each line, phenotypic data for malting quality traits and metabolomic data for each plot.



Aarhus Universitet


Genomics, Metabolomics, Phenotyping
