Data for: Evidence for metacognitive bias in perception of voluntary action

Published: 27 August 2019| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/s3wx7tyhhh.1
Lucie Charles


The file AllParticipants_BehavData.mat contains the trial by trial data of each participant in a matlab format. The file contains the matrix AllData with dimension 540 (trials) x 16 (data points) x 25 (participants). The variable ColumnNames contains the information regarding the data points corresponding to each column of the AllData matrix. The file ALLParticipants_MovData2.mat contains the trial by trial movement of each participant in a matlab format. The file contains the matrix MovDataX and MovDataY which respectively code for the x and y dimensions of each movement. Each matrix is 30224 (time-points) x 180 (trials) x 3 (condition) x 25 (participant). The matrix AllDataMov 180 (trials) x 15 (data points) x 3 (condition) x 25 (participant) provides the corresponding information for each trial, the list of data-points being explained in the variable ColumnNames.



