Patient satisfaction with nursing care at referral hospitals: A multicenter cross-sectional study

Published: 11 December 2024| Version 2 | DOI: 10.17632/s3zrzd2sr3.2
Abebaw Jember


Patient satisfaction with nursing care reflects patients' perceptions of the care they receive from nurses during their hospital stay. Patient satisfaction is a vital measure of healthcare service quality and significantly impacts the overall patient experience. It indicates how effectively healthcare systems, providers, and institutions fulfill patients' expectations and address their needs. Patient satisfaction with nursing care was measured using the Patient Satisfaction Instrument. This study aimed to examine patient satisfaction with nursing care and associated factors in hospitals across the culturally diverse Amhara region. Data are presented in Stata DTA File and Microsoft Excel 97-2003 Worksheet formats.


Steps to reproduce

Data include 560 patient responses from three randomly selected referral hospitals in Amhara Regional State. Data were collected after an internal pilot using a systematic random sampling technique. After checking for the assumptions of parametric testing that include linearity, normality, homoscedasticity, multicollinearity, and undue influence of outliers a linear mixed model was computed to check for the presence of clustering in the data and to detect sources of variability corresponding to the different levels (individual level, unit level, and hospital level). The linear mixed model did not provide evidence of clustering. Then patient satisfaction with nursing care and associated factors were examined using multiple linear regression model.


University of Gondar College of Medicine and Health Sciences


Patient Experience in Clinical Nursing
