Corpus from primary school ELT classes from French Polynesia: Documents, quotations and codes

Published: 25 October 2018| Version 2 | DOI: 10.17632/s4dh9xkf2v.2
Zehra Gabillon


The classroom corpora offered in this document were obtained from elementary school level EFL classrooms from the five French Polynesian archipelagos. The data used in this study were collected via two projects which were carried out in an elementary school context. The first project was an extensive project called Pratiques Educatives Enseignantes et Parentales en Polynésie (PrEEPP), and it took place between the years 2014-2017. The second project, Maeha'a Nui, was carried out between the years 2015-2016. The corpora presented here comprise data obtained from 11 elementary school level EFL lessons and contain: documents, quotations and codes (11 lessons, 522 pages, and 4495 quotations).



Universite de la Polynesie Francaise


Elementary School, English as a Foreign Language, Discourse Analysis in Research, Classroom Discourse Analysis, Corpus Analysis
