Data for Applied Energy manuscript "A Comparison of Storage System in Neighbourhood Decentralized Energy System Applications from 2015 to 2050"
This data is complimentary to the submitted Applied energy manuscript entitled "A Comparison of Storage System in Neighbourhood Decentralized Energy System Applications from 2015 to 2050". The data lists the input and output data for the optimization described in Section 3 of the Manuscript. For the two case studies described in the paper (Section 4), the building demand is calculated using the methodology in Section 3.1. In addition, the renewable potentials for the case studies were calculated using the methodology described in Section 3.2. All parameters that are non-case study specific which are described based on the Future Scenarios described in Section 2 are contained in the future scenario parameters folder. Lastly, the optimization outputs are shown in the optimization results folder. The sizing of the storage and conversion technologies is shown in one excel sheet and the other shows the resulting cost and emissions of each optimal solution.