Large-scale borehole heat exchange temperature data in differing lithological units

Published: 26 October 2018| Version 3 | DOI: 10.17632/s5cy86h3sf.3
David Smith


Temperature data recorded at the interface of a u-tube and the grout of a borehole heat exchanger production well and water temperature as it entered and left the well field. The wells is a central well of a 144 well borehole heat exchanger. Temperature was recorded using a series of thermocouples attached to the u-tube at 50 foot intervals from 50 to 400 feet below ground surface. Temperatures were recorded every hour from 4/17/2017 through 6/23/2017. Temperature of the water entering and leaving the borehole heat exchanger was also recorded. Units are in degrees Celsius. Description of the column headers. Date_Time: Date and time of the temperature measurement. 50_degC: Temperature measurement at 50 feet below ground surface of the interface of the incoming water side of the u-tube and grout. 100_degC: Temperature measurement at 100 feet below ground surface of the interface of the incoming water side of the u-tube and grout. 150_degC: Temperature measurement at 150 feet below ground surface of the interface of the incoming water side of the u-tube and grout. 200_degC: Temperature measurement at 200 feet below ground surface of the interface of the incoming water side of the u-tube and grout. 250_degC: Temperature measurement at 250 feet below ground surface of the interface of the incoming water side of the u-tube and grout. 300_degC: Temperature measurement at 300 feet below ground surface of the interface of the incoming water side of the u-tube and grout. 350_degC: Temperature measurement at 350 feet below ground surface of the interface of the incoming water side of the u-tube and grout. 400_degC: Temperature measurement at 400 feet below ground surface of the interface of the incoming water side of the u-tube and grout. BHE_IN__degC: Temperature measurement of the water entering the borehole heat exchanger. BHE_OUT__degC: Temperature measurement of the water leaving the borehole heat exchanger.



Geothermal Energy, Ground-Coupled Heat Exchanger
