LC-MS/MS-QTOF dataset of chlorophyll derivatives and chemical compounds detected in Green Honey (GH) and Tualang Honey (TH) from Malaysia

Published: 9 October 2023| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/s5gkf4yw7d.1
saeed ullah, Fahrul Huyop


This is the first dataset of chemical compounds and chlorophyll components for green honey based on target and untargeted analysis. The LC-MS/MS targeted base analysis was performed for the identification of chlorophyll and its derivatives found in green honey samples, and the untargeted base analysis was performed for the identification of various chemical compounds found in green honey. The compound names, mass-to-charge values, Species, retention times, and many other METLIN database search hit identities are included in this dataset.


Steps to reproduce

The research was funded by NS Field Sdn. Bhd. with Grant Number GH-2023-01.


Universiti Teknologi Malaysia


Mass Spectrometry, Feed Biochemistry, Computational Biology
