Activity-induced Regulation of Synaptic Strength through the Chromatin Reader, L3mbtl1. Mao et al.
Published: 4 May 2018| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/s5m23x8ttb.1
Kensuke FutaiDescription
L3mbtl1 is an activity dependent chromatin reader protein that regulates homeostatic down-scaling. • Ctnnb1 is one of the target genes of L3mbtl1 that mediates synaptic homeostasis. Our results highlight a critical role for the activity-regulated chromatin reader molecule in homeostatic control of synaptic strength and adds to our understanding of epigenetic mechanisms of activity-dependent gene regulation.
Synaptic Plasticity, Homeostasis, Chromatin Immunoprecipitation, Hippocampus, Epigenetics, Histone Code