27-color healthy lung flow cytometry dataset
Dataset belonging to the publication "Optimized full-spectrum flow cytometry panel for deep immunophenotyping of murine lungs" by Baumann et al. Files are raw flow cytometry data for a healthy female murine lung, stained with a 27-color antibody panel (see Figure 4 and Supplementary Table 2 in the paper). The folder ("raw") contains two subfolders, with corresponding reference single stains and lung samples. In the reference sample folder, the files are either beads or cells, corresponding to what we used for data unmixing in the manuscript. Additionally, it contains the single AF signatures used for unmixing (AF 5, 13, and 35). In the samples folder, FS is the fully stained sample. FMO denotes Fluorochrome Minus One controls. For all questions, please refer to the contact linked in the paper.
Steps to reproduce
For the step-by-step protocol, please refer to the manuscript.
Swiss National Science Foundation
Arnold U. and Susanne Huggenberger-Bischoff Foundation for Cancer Research
Peter Bockhoff Foundation
Fondation Bryn Turner-Samuels
Pedersen Charity Foundation
Hedy-Glor-Meyer Foundation
Freiwillige Akademische Gesellschaft Basel
Jubiläumsstiftung of SwissLife
European Research Council
694033 STEM-BCPC
Krebsliga Beider Basel
Swiss Cancer League
Swiss Personalized Health Network
Swiss Personalized Oncology driver project
Department of Surgery of the University Hospital Basel