Managing communication between school management and parents of boarding nurseries to fourth-grade pupils for children’s holistic development
The data in this template focused on answering the three major questions of the qualitative study: 1) how does parental communication support children's social development in pre and primary boarding schools? 2) what strategies do pre-and primary school management use to promote children's social development besides classroom teaching and learning? and 3) how do teachers and caregivers inculcate children's social development in pre and primary schools? Five research tools were developed to guide the understanding of the efficacy of parental communication in fostering the social development of nursery and fourth-grade children in pre and primary boarding schools. These tools included a) an interview guide for head teachers, b) an interview guide for class teachers, c) an interview guide for caregivers, d) focus group discussion (FGD) with children, and e) a classroom observation checklist. Three Tables of themes derived from interviews and focus group discussions were produced after data analysis by reduction, display and verification. The research tools and thematic Tables are attached in the Mendeley data share.
Steps to reproduce
Three stages of data reduction, data display, and data verification as proposed by Miles and Huberman.