Published: 9 October 2023| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/s6vtgzpt2b.1
Md S Hossain Md Siddique Hossain


Abstract: Significant attention has been paid in recent years to the problems of discrimination and exclusion based on sexual orientation. The topic of this article is discrimination based on sexual orientation, especially as it occurs in the workplace and other social contexts. The study's key findings and the troubling concerns raised by them are summarized below. Both the personal and societal effects of selection based on sexual orientation are taken into account in this analysis of the ethical, legal, and social ramifications of this practice. We investigate this subject from several angles by reviewing relevant literature, conducting case studies, and conducting interviews. The first part of this paper explores the ethical problems of making hiring decisions based on an applicant's sexual orientation. It examines the possibility for spreading preconceptions and prejudices, as well as the infringement of an individual's right to privacy and personal identification. The research also looks at how such actions might further stigmatize and isolate the LGBTQ+ community. The second part discusses the laws surrounding hiring practices that take sexual orientation into account. As part of this process, we will examine the current state of anti-discrimination legislation and evaluate how well it protects its citizens. Given the difficulties in recognizing discriminatory activities, the research also investigates possible obstacles in adopting and enforcing legislative safeguards. In the third portion, we look at how sexual orientation might influence the hiring process. The effects on equality, efficiency, and morale in the workplace are analyzed. The research aims to learn how to spot and prevent potentially unfriendly circumstances that might stunt individual development and stymie societal advancement. Finally, this abstract identifies important issues that need more investigation. How can businesses make personal freedom a priority without sacrificing diversity and inclusion? Can selection processes be made more free of implicit biases and prejudices? What can we do to make our community more welcoming and safe for those who identify as LGBTQ+? In conclusion, this research tries to provide answers to pressing problems about sexual orientation discrimination in hiring. This study adds to our knowledge of the topic at hand by exploring relevant ethical, legal, and societal ramifications. It is anticipated that the results of this research will spark conversations and lead to measures that foster better tolerance and respect for people of all sexual orientations.



