Classification of Threat Model in the Information for Security Risk Assessment
Information is an important asset a business has always been in all organizations and institutions. Therefore, it must be protected against attacks. One of the objectives is to protect the security of information. One of the best ways to deal with security threats in the corporate world, using the company's security problems through a risk-based approach is achieved. We believe that the classification and assessment of new threats to enterprises will help to give an accurate assessment and true risks with respect to the new concepts of the reputation And to learn appropriate ways to deal with a variety of attacks and threats have the ability to recognize and deal with As well as our new classified assessment that helps organizations not only be able to understand better the risk assessment with regard to the comparison of new concepts and select the appropriate tasks but the way to do a risk assessment to be done correctly. In addition, this classification will help to better ways for future research in the growing field of security risks assessment done.