Reproducible model to compare individual and coordinated demand response with dynamic and static power grid tariffs

Published: 22 April 2020| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/s7x9gxtwmj.1
Stian Backe


This dataset supports reproduction of the analysis of cost minimizing flexibility responses with different subscription-based grid tariffs presented in the associated paper ". The analysis is designed to identify successful characteristics of a capacity-based grid tariff to trigger efficient development and utilization of the power grid given consumers with some flexibility cost minimizing their bills. Input data (.tab), optimization script in Python (.py), and output data (.csv) are included for our four classes of instances comparing individual and combined demand response with annual and weekly capacity subscriptions. For detailed description of data sources and assumptions, please consider Section 4 in the


Steps to reproduce

To reproduce the model, each of the .zip-files are extracted into a folder. The script '' within the folders are then run with Python (calling 'python, and will produce outputs for both the individual and the combined subscription. Running the script requires Python and Pyomo installed and an interface to a solver (the solver specified in the script is Gurobi). Each .zip-file also contains the outputs from running the model (.csv-files).


Norges Teknisk Naturvitenskapelige Universitet Institutt for industriell okonomi og teknologiledelse


Energy Demand, Tariffs, Energy Flexibility, Mathematical Programming Application
