Data for: Awareness on Infection Control of the Bio-Safety Laboratory Workers in Tertiary Level Private Hospital in Dhaka City of Bangladesh

Published: 8 February 2020| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/s96b3rkmv4.1
pokhrel arun


Recommendations: 1. The gap between the policy-makers and the personnel involved in the health-care waste management should be narrowed down. 2. The healthcare waste-management legislations should be reviewed and re-modeled in the context of Bangladesh to match with international standard. 3. There is a lack of adequate and effective waste-management facilities and infection control mechanism. Therefore, a specific amount of budgetary allocation has to be ensured for safe disposal of healthcare wastes, sterilization, and cleanliness for infection control or prevention. 4. Specialized training in infection control and health care epidemiology can be offered to professionals working in Bio –safety laboratories. Administrators, doctors, nurses, and other workers of healthcare establishments must be given adequate training, so that they understand various aspects of healthcare waste management and the consequences of poor practices of infection control. 5. .Sort-training manuals should be prepared for various groups of actors involved in Bio –safety and cleanliness for infection prevention. 6. Health education regarding safe disposal of wastes, dangers of healthcare due to not maintaining infection controlling methods and environmental pollution have to be provided to patients, visitors, and patients of outpatient department.



Infection Control
