Campi Flegrei 1984-2022 4D Vp and Vp/Vs models
Vp and Vp/Vs models - list of ASCII files 3D MODEL td-Vp-3d 3D mean P-wave velocity model - format lon(°) lat(°) Vp (for each horizontal layer at depth Z=) td-VpVs-3d 3D mean Vp/Vs ratio model - format lon(°) lat(°) Vp/Vs (for each horizontal layer at depth Z=) td-stdVp-3d 3D Vp error model - format lon(°) lat)°= std (for each horizontal layer at depth Z=) - std=2 in regions without seismic rays td-stdVpVs-3d 3D Vp/Vs error model - format lon(°) lat(°) std (for each horizontal layer at depth Z=) - std=2 in regions without seismic rays GNS-loc-3d events locations (mean and std values) - format lon(°) lat(°) depth(km) stdx(km) stdy(km) stdz(km) 4D MODEL td-Vp-00[1-6] 4D mean P-wave velocity model in the periods [1-6] - format lon(°) lat(°) Vp (for each horizontal layer at depth Z=) td-VpVs-00[1-6] 4D mean Vp/Vs ratio model in the periods [1-6] - format lon(°) lat(°) Vp/Vs (for each horizontal layer at depth Z=) td-stdVp-00[1-6] 4D error P-wave velocity model in the periods [1-6] - format lon(°) lat(°) std (for each horizontal layer at depth Z=) td-stdVpVs-00[1-6] 4D error Vp/Vs model in the periods [1-6] - format lon(°) lat(°) std (for each horizontal layer at depth Z=) event.latlon.[1-6] events locations (mean and std values) in the periods [1-6] - format lon(°) lat(°) depth(km) stdx(km) stdy(km) stdz(km)