Published: 25 March 2022| Version 3 | DOI: 10.17632/sb38dsw6vm.3
Jacek BuskiewiczDescription
1. The file SolutionData.doc contains the sets of solutions for the cases analysed in the manuscript. 2. The notebook 4Bar3Points_6DV2S_II_A.nb created in Wolfram Mathematica 8.0 is the code of the algorithm 6DV2S_II for determining the mechanism dimensions from output data of the algorithm 6DV2S_II and for the results visualisation. 3. The pdf file of this notebook is also available. 4. The zip file SupplFigs contains the figures of the spring extensions and the rates of the spring extensions for all the cases except for I.A.1. The name of the figure addresses the adequate case.
Load Balancing, Mechanism Design