Sediment Dynamics Measurements at Wax Lake Delta, Louisiana, USA, 2014
Published: 7 April 2021| Version 2 | DOI: 10.17632/sb4xnz5ncv.2
, Gregg SneddenDescription
This datasets contains time series measurements of water depth, significant wave height, current velocity, shear velocity, turbidity, and suspended sediment concentration collected at the Wax Lake delta, Louisiana, USA, during Feb-Aug 2014. There are three files: (1) a data legend describing the data ('wax_lake_sediment_dynamics_data_legend.xlsx'); (2) a comma-delimited file of water depth, significant wave height, current velocity and shear velocity data ('water_level_wave_velocity_ustar.csv'); and (3) a comma-delimited file of turbidity and suspended sediment concentration data ('turbidity_ssc.csv').
US Geological Survey, US Army Engineer Research and Development Center Coastal and Hydraulics Laboratory
Hydrodynamics, Sedimentation