Published: 28 March 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/sbjykmmz4s.1
Hoang Van Thien,


JNUCLS database: The JNUCLS database contains labeled chili species leaf imagescultivated and collected at Rural Development Administration (RDA) in Jeonju, Repiblic of Korea. Camera system settings were done based on Yu et al. (2023) (Yu JK, Chang S, Han GD, Kim SH, Ahn J, Park J, Kim Y, Kim J, Chung YS. Implication of high variance in germplasm characteristics. Scientific Reports. 2023 Jan 10;13(1):515.).Chili varieties are cultivated under controlled environmental conditions, including temperature, irrigation, and fertilizer. The experiment is conducted in an experimental garden with 77 chili species, each randomly arranged in a plot in the greenhouse and marked with a species code. Each species is planted with 6 trees per sample plot, and 6 leaf samples are taken for each species. Sampling occurs when plants have flowered, and leaves are chosen based on standardized criteria (area, weight, color, etc.). Images are captured using a Canon digital camera under uniform lighting conditions, consistent distance, and the same shooting angle. They are saved in JPG format with a pixel resolution of 6024 × 4024. The total number of images in the database was 552



Jeju National University


Biological Classification, Agricultural Plant, Recognition


Hub-Spoke material bank program

