Topographic data generated from oblique aerial photos in Minami-Aso, Kumamoto, Japan just after the April 2016 earthquake
Numerous landslides occurred when the Mw 7.0 earthquake hit Kumamoto area in western Japan on April 16, 2016. The most distinct landslide was observed in Minami-Aso Village, where a bridge was destroyed by the landslide. This datasets comprise 3-dimensional topographic models of the landslide at Minami-Aso, produced just after the source data (oblique aerial photographs) became available online. The first version is the result of prompt data processing of those original photographs using the technique of Structure-from-Motion Multi-View Stereo (SfM-MVS) photogrammetry. - data type: point cloud (LAZ), digital elevation model (DEM) (GeoTIFF), hillshade image (GeoTIFF), orthorectified image (GeoTIFF) - projection: Japan Plane Rectangle CS II (datum: JGD 2000)
Steps to reproduce
- 28 aerial photos of the landslide area taken by Geospatial Authority of Japan (GSI) were collected from GSI Maps. - SfM-MVS photogrammetry was carried out to produce 3-dimensional topographic model of the landslide and surrounding area, using PhotoScan software. - Point cloud, DEM, orthorectified image were then obtained. - Hillshade image was produced from the DEM using QGIS software. - The geographical coordinates of the data were derived from the coordinates of cameras recorded in the original photographs likely derived from single frequency, uncorrected GPS/GNSS data, hence the accuracy would be on the order of meters.