Data for: From high-entropy alloys to high-entropy ceramics: the radiation-resistant highly concentrated refractory carbide (CrNbTaTiW)C
This dataset contains all the raw data for all experimental techniques used in our manuscript. Note 1: Raw EDX maps could not be uploaded to Part 3 due to their large file sizes, thus extrapolating Mendeley Data limits. For that, we have included exported elemental maps in .png extension directly from the raw data. You may encounter these elemental maps in the folders with the name "batchexp". Note 2: Through the data, HEC is the high-entropy carbide and HEA is the high-entropy alloy. Sometimes HEC 5-7 refers to the high-entropy carbide whereas HEC 5-9 is the high-entropy alloy. We are open to continue this research by providing thin film samples for the community for further investigations. Please fell free to contact M.A. Tunes, S. Fritze or B. Osinger.
Steps to reproduce
1. Produce the thin solid films via the technique of magnetron-sputtering. 2. Fabricate TEM samples using FIB techniques. 3. Use of in situ TEM heavy ion irradiation (300 keV Xe) to evaluate the response of the materials to energetic particle irradiation. Irradiations are to be performed at a temperature of 573 K. 4. Use methods of modern Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy (such as STEM-EDX) to characterize the materials after irradiation.
Los Alamos National Laboratory
Laboratory Directed Research and Development
European Research Council
Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
EP/E017266/1 and EP/M028283/1
Austrian Research Promotion Agency
3DnanoAnalytics (FFG-No. 858040)
2017-00646_9 and 2019_00191