Sugarcane residues potential availability per municipality
The total sugarcane residues potential availability considered was the simple sum of the sugarcane bagasse and straw in dry basis. The potential availability of bagasse was calculated based on milling data per State from UNICA (Brazilian Sugarcane Industry Association), considering the yields and availability mentioned above. These data were spatialized based on the milling capacity from the Nova Cana database of sugarcane/ethanol mills in Brazil. The milling data from 70 plants certified before July 16th of 2020 by RenovaBio were also used, in order to calibrate the distribution of bagasse based on idle rates, allowing this distribution per municipality to be more accurate. The considered rate of bagasse production from sugarcane processing was of 280 kg(bagasse)(wb)/t(sugarcane)(on wet basis, 50% of moisture). Also, the bagasse surplus would be of 35% of the bagasse from sugarcane processed, while the remaining amount (65%) would supply the energy demand of the ethanol mill. The potential availability of straw was calculated based on data from IBGE/PAM on municipal sugarcane yield and planted area. Assuming the adoption of best practices in terms of planting and harvesting, the straw production considered was : 140 kg(db)/t(sugarcane) and that : 7.5 t(straw)(db)/ha(sugarcane) would remain on the field for agronomic purposes. The data were spatialized by municipality, according to the sugarcane planted areas reported by IBGE. It is important to notice that the data was spatialized accordingly to the municipalities boundaries, it does not imply that bigger municipalities have a greater availability. For further information see the platform SAFmaps.