This research explores the role of technophobia and metathesiophobiaTechnophobia and metathesiophobia in adopting an AI-enabled customer relationship management system (AI-CRM) by extending the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) framework. Introducing AI technology into CRM systems enables sales organizations to analyze real-time sales data and gain valuable insights. However, adopting new technology involves psychological barriers such as fear and resistance to change. This research seeks to determine the effects of these phobias on the adoption of AI technology and the factors that affect them. The theoretical foundation is established by reviewing the existing literature, resulting in the development of hypotheses and a conceptual model. Data were collected through a questionnaire administered to sales executives at passenger car dealerships. The data were analyzed using partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) with the SmartPLS4 package. The results uncover and explain the relationships among technophobia, metathesiophobia, UTAUT constructs, and behavioral intention to adopt AI-CRM—additionally, the moderating effects of age and experience as moderators are examined. This study also investigates the relationships between technophobia and other constructs, revealing that technophobia positively influences performance expectancy, effort expectancy, and metathesiophobia. Furthermore, social influence and facilitating conditions positively impact technophobia.